Hello world, and everyone reading this.

First and foremost this blog is about my true feelings on just about everything.  I am opinionated, but open to new ideas; this will show through on my posts.  I have a wide diversity of interests ranging from cars and medicine to music and fine arts.  However, I’m a senior computer programmer by trade and computing will be a primary subject on this blog.

Let me start a bit about myself.  I’m a male, though not a stereotypical one.  I don’t have an overinflated ego nor sex drive and I don’t find “the chase” of a woman to be “fun”, whatever that may mean.  I believe in morals, in honesty, in dignity, in respect, and in values.  I treat others with all of these qualities and expect to be treated with them as well, and as you may expect I’ve found myself disappointed with most of the modern world because of this fact.

I was convinced to get this blog by a very close friend who told me that I should share my opinions and reviews with the world.  I have reviewed a lot of software, and I’ve written a lot of essays on a great many things.  Since I have them privately stored somewhere, I will post the more “exciting” ones as I find them.

But enough about me.  On with the blogging…